Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blog Assignment Week 7: Video Joke Assignment

Above is the video my group created for the Video Joke Assignment.  I wrote, starred in and edited the production.

Heres a link to a video by another group in my lab: LINK HERE!!!!!

After examining both videos closely I've come to find a number of similarities and contrasts between the two.

One aspect that both videos share is the use of movement at some point in the production.  The other groups video employed the use of movement most specifically in the scene where the car is driving down the curvy road.  Here they are using the technique of object movement as the car drives in and out of the frame. In the video my group made we used movement in most of the scenes, from the begininning where my character is getting dressed in the room, to the sequence where the character is running across campus trying to get to an exam.  For most of the running scenes object movement is what happens as my character runs in and out of the frame, however in a few scenes the camera followed the character, moving slightly to track his progress before exiting the frame.

The use of lines is also employed in both videos.  The most apparent implementation of lines, in each instance, is the use of virtual lines, specifically lines in eyesight.  In the other groups video virtual lines can be observed as the lines in eyesight can be seen when the male character is reading the newspaper, conversing with the girl and the other prisoner.  The same lines can be found observing my character in our video as he looks at his alarm clock, notices his bike being gone and converses with the girl in the elevator.  For the most part, these virtual lines are used to direct the attention of the audience to a specific point in the frame.

One of the six binary terms that could easily apply to both videos is contrast and affinity. The videos demonstrate affinity in a few ways. One way being that both videos include both male and female cast members. Another way they videos are affine is that the scripts for each one is based around a simple joke.  A third way affinity can be found by noticing that the female character brings about the distraught of the male character in the end of each video.  They contrast from each other often as well.  For one, the other groups video is in black and white while ours is in color.  Also, the other groups film is silent besides the silent film music, while ours includes sound effects, background music a recorded dialogue.

Another binary term that can be found in both videos is tension and release. My groups video starts out with very little initial tension when my character first wakes up and begins moving around.  However when the realization is made that he is going to be late for an exam the tension instantly begins to build. The music is a big help to add tension as my character runs across campus and encounters troubles. When he finally reaches the elevator and lets our a sigh of relief, the tension is also released.  In the other groups video the period of tension is much shorter as it consumes the portion of the video following the car crash.  This tension is quickly released as it can be seen that both characters involved are unharmed and in good spirits.

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